Place shredded coconut in a ziplock bag, put a few drops of food coloring in the bag and shake it up until the coconut is colored uniformly. Add more food color until it is the shade of green you like. Set aside on your work table with a piece of parchment paper for each person to build their nest/basket on, the pretzels and jellybeans.
Warm white chocolate chips in a microwaveable bowl in no more than 30 second intervals, stirring in between heating until almost all of the chips are melted. The rest will melt after you remove it from the microwave. This shouldn’t take more than 90 seconds to melt the whole bag at once in one bowl. If dividing into separate bowls and only heating half the bag of chips at a time (like I did in the pics), it shouldn’t take more than 60 seconds. Place melted chocolate along with other items for building the nests/baskets.
Dip pretzels into melted chocolate one by one and build your nest/basket any way you’d like. Let cool at air temp or pop into the fridge for about 5 minutes until chocolate is solid. Decorate with green shredded coconut and jellybeans. It can remain at room temp until ready to chomp!