My favorite gluten free lasagna noodles are made by De Boles

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A+ Products Lasagna Noodles

Lasagna Noodles

My favorite brand of gluten free lasagna noodles is De Boles.  They are made with only rice flour, so they are also allergy friendly- egg free, dairy free, soy free and nut free.  When you take them out of the box, you will notice that they look a lot like regular lasagna noodles.  Possibly just a little smaller.  You don’t need to boil them in advance, making lasagna a snap!  Just make sure you have lots of sauce to get them properly hydrated while baking in the oven.  They will plump up a lot so you need to leave space between them and the sides of the dish when you lay them in your pan.  Here’s my Veggie Lasagna recipe to inspire you!

The texture and taste is so similar to regular lasagna that I would love to do a blind taste test to see if wheat eaters notice a difference.  I have served these to wheat eaters more times than I can count and always get recipe requests.  My guess is that they don’t notice a difference. Score another point for the gluten free & food allergy team!



My 9 to 5… I am a meteorologist for the ABC station in Tampa. When I am at home, I spend a lot of time cooking and baking... always gluten free. Most of my recipes are allergy friendly and many are AIP, Vegan, Paleo and Keto friendly. From my kitchen to yours... cheers to eating great no matter what we must go without!

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